Ukiah Oxygen Company
P: 707-462-8674 – F: 707-462-8699
3470 N State St, Ukiah, CA
8 – 5 Monday thru Friday
Like Petaluma, the town of Ukiah derives its name from the area’s original inhabitants – the Yokaya clan of the Pomo tribe in this case. The word Yokaya is also said to mean “deep valley” in the Pomo language – which is an appropriate description of the Ukiah Valley in comparison to the coastal mountains to the north and west as well as the hills of Lake County to the east. Although European colonization began with a Spanish land grant like Petaluma’s, the Spanish influence does not seem to have been as profound.
Nineteenth century immigration was primarily Anglo and the unique agricultural product of the late nineteenth century was hops. Hops and Bartlett pears (of which there were once 900 plus acres of orchard) have been largely supplanted by vineyards now. The grapes thrive in the sunny, moderate Mediterranean climate of the region, and the original success of vintners in Napa and Sonoma counties seems to have now expanded to every arable acre of similar climate and topography in Northern California.
Although hops production may have declined as an agricultural endeavor in the area, wine is not the only alcoholic beverage produced here. Though Ukiah has only two microbreweries, they are a most significant pair. Mendocino Brewing was the first microbrewery in California and the second in the U.S., while Ukiah Brewing was the nation’s first certified organic brewpub and its second organic restaurant.
For a variety of reasons, Ukiah and Mendocino County, of which it is the seat, are smaller, slower, calmer than their cousin, Petaluma/Sonoma, to the south. Historically, the extra 80 miles to the north, the hillier terrain, and lack of a navigable waterway have contributed to Ukiah’s smaller and less dense population. There may be no navigable waterway, but there is a most significant one, which claims Ukiah as its headwaters: the Russian River. That water flow contributes to the rich agricultural potential of the valley.
So, wherever there is commercial agriculture, there is a need for welding – implement repair, invention and manufacture of crop-specific tools, waterline production and maintenance, warehouse construction. Virtually wherever in North California there is available space for growing there is a crop that demands intense gas-based transformations for highest-yield end-product. So, here as elsewhere throughout western NorCal, you will find an Oxygen/Welder’s supply store ready to deliver the goods: Ukiah Oxygen Company. We provide grinders, welders, torches, gas, among many other things that you are going to need. Come visit us today and talk to our seasoned specialists about your needs.
Don't Be Shy
Eureka Oxygen is your one-stop-shop for supplies, welding equipment, and expert guidance.
Small task or a big project?
It doesn’t matter; we have what you need.
California Based-Independently Owned