by admin | Compressed Gas Cylinders, Welding
Welding has become much more popular over the years, primarily due to the fact that technology is better and more improved now. There are magnificent machines available that do a good job, especially for the price. Plus, people even weld for fun. You might see...
by admin | Compressed Gas Cylinders, Welding
If you think that CO2, the gas that’s the leading cause for global warming, can be turned into a valuable feedstock, then you’re right. This article will educate you on the various uses of CO2, the industries that benefit from it, why it’s important to cut emissions,...
by admin | Supplies, Welding
The use of argon in welding traces back to the 1920s when automatic welding was first introduced. Argon-oxygen blends are widely used for conventional and pulsed spray transfer on clean, plain carbon and stainless steel, and both kinds can benefit from the use of...