Besides the numerous and widespread utilization of dry ice in mundane household chores, this form of frozen carbon dioxide is also used widely in both commercial and industrial operations the world over. This, for the most part, is due to the fact that dry ice has many unique attributes which make it especially suited for a variety of beneficial applications. This, of course, includes its ability to remain in a frozen state for prolonged periods of time. Also, since it always sublimates into gaseous form, this amazing product never leaves behind any residues. In turn, this makes it a particularly excellent alternative for water ice in numerous commercial and industrial cooling applications. Here then are some of the most notable and widespread uses of dry ice in the corporate world.
Food processing and storage industry

Dry ice has many and varied uses when it comes to the food industry. In the first place, thanks to the rigid regulations put in place in the context of proper food preparation, processing, and storage, dry ice is a constant presence in commercial kitchens. The same is true for eateries, food vendors, and even supermarkets. In this particular scenario, it is regularly utilized in cleaning and sanitizing food preparation equipment and surfaces in kitchens.
This is simply because it can be used to effectively deter bacteria, mildew, and mold growth to ensure foodstuff can be handled and processed in a clean and sterile environment. In turn, this goes a long way in preventing a wide range of food-associated diseases and even potential allergic reactions in consumers.
Additionally, dry ice is utilized in a food processing technique known as freeze-drying that is designed to preserve and extend the shelf life of organic foodstuff. When compared with other traditional dehydration methods of preserving the freshness of food, freeze-drying is much less damaging. This definitely means foodstuff which is freeze-dried doesn’t in any way lose its original flavor and appearance. Best of all, food products that are subjected to this process may be preserved for years at room temperature without suffering deterioration or spoilage. On the other hand, dry ice is often utilized in the processing of minced meat and even in sausages. In this case, dry ice is used to ensure fresh meat can be preserved for longer durations of time and ultimately processed within the desired temperature profiles. Also, it is often included in meat prior to the mincing process being performed. Here, dry ice not only keeps the meat at consistently cool temperatures, but deters the creation of a conducive environment for bacteria and other microbes. At the same time, commercial restaurants along with supermarkets use this product to preserve the freshness of foods that are displayed in open containers for protracted periods of time.
Industrial cleaning industry

Dry ice blasting is an eco-friendly alternative solution that is increasingly supplanting many industrial cleaning methods when it comes to cleaning a variety of machinery. Essentially, dry ice pellets are pressurized to create a pressurized airstream that quickly achieves supersonic speeds and is ultimately forced into the machinery that needs to be cleaned. Once they are within, these dry ice pellets collide with the inner surfaces of the machinery and trap dirt or any other contaminants, leaving the surfaces dry and devoid of abrasion. Lastly, since dry ice sublimates into a gaseous state, there is no need for the disposal of additional secondary and toxic waste in the industrial cleaning process.
Transportation and shipping of goods

Dry ice is a popular solution for transporting and shipping a wide range of perishable and temperature-sensitive products. This includes long haul transportation of foodstuff, medicine, pharmaceutical products to mention but a few. In the healthcare industry in particular, dry ice is utilized in keeping temperature-sensitive materials including transplant organs, medical test samples together with other medical supplies at consistently cool temperatures. Also, as it never leaves any residues when it sublimates, dry ice ensures such materials aren’t exposed to contaminants or bacterial buildup. On the flip side, this product is a popular and economical alternative solution for long-haul cold shipments of fresh foodstuff to supermarkets and other food vendors.
In-process cooling of chemicals
In specific chemical processes, it can be desirable to make a solution cool, chill or freeze rapidly in a reaction. In this scenario, the extremely cold characteristics and cooling energy of dry ice may be leveraged to slow down or even stop certain chemical reactions. Dry ice is as well utilized in chemistry to neutralize alkalis and create cold traps which in turn fashion extremely low-temperature surfaces that are conducive to making certain molecules condense.
Eureka Oxygen is a leading provider of welding equipment, welding supplies, and other welding accessories. We also sell a diverse selection of industrial equipment, safety equipment, and even cylinder gas for both consumers and commercial users. Stop by today to talk to our helpful experts about your welding, fire suppression, or industrial needs.